jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

3,2,1 Go

Esta es la primera entrada de prueba, como en todo blog que se precie :)

Hace casi 12 años empezaba mi anterior blog con  una entrada parecida http://joseblanco.blogspot.com.es/2004/10/321-go.html

Rich snippet tipo review
Legal Seafood
4 stars - "A good seafood place."
The seafood is great.

Rich snippet tipo agggregate rating
ACME Executive Anvil Executive Anvil logo Sleeker than ACME's Classic Anvil, the Executive Anvil is perfect for the business traveler looking for something to drop from a height. Product #: 925872 4.4 stars, based on 89 reviews Regular price: $179.99 $119.99 (Sale ends ) Available from: Executive Objects Condition: Previously owned, in excellent condition In stock! Order now!

Rich snippet tipo software app
4.6( 8864)
Price: $1.00